IDEAS FOR ANGEL CAKES Plain white angel cakes are complemented by tangy bright flavors. Try Translucent Sugar Glaze, made with lemon or orange, drizzled over the top. Fresh berries and whipped cream are natural partners. You can cut the cake into three or four horizontal layers or bake in a sheet for a roll cake and fill with Lemon Curd, or any mousse, Bavarian cream, ice cream, sorbet, or flavored whipped cream and frost with whipped cream. For a richer effect, fill either Basic Angel Cake or Cocoa Angel Cake, with Whipped Ganache Filling, and glaze with Bittersweet Chocolate Glaze, or fill and frost with Chocolate Mousse Frosting, or Mocha Buttercream, sprinkled with toasted pecans. basic angel cake spiced angel cake coffee-flecked angel cake coffee-flavored angel cake candy angel cake coconut angel cake lemon or orange angel cake cocoa angel cake nutty angel cake i nutty angel cake ii extra-chocolate angel cake i extra-chocolate angel cake ii marble angel cake